Friday, November 30, 2007

SAP SOP - Sales, Operation and Planning (Info Structure S076) in PP

MC87 - Create Plan for Material (SOP is manage by version number)
MC88 - Change Plan - Click Inactive Version or hit the Enter key
MC89 - Display Plan

You should stop using MD61 and MD62 once you used SOP.

Let's Create a Plan via MC87 :-

The system will prompt you the next available version number when you create a Plan. It can be overwritten as long as there are no existing records. (Version number can be a mixture of characters and numbers)

Always have the following settings :-
Settings -> 0
Settings -> Show row totals -> Historical periods

This two settings is done to ensure that there are no plan existing in the past.

Some of options you can used :-

You can define a target stock level. Enter a quantity in the Target Stock Level, then click Edit -> Create Production Plan -> Target Stock Level

Define a target days supply by entering a quantity in the Target days supply and clicking Edit -> Create Production Plan -> Target Days Supply

If you want to plan by week click Edit -> Period Splitting -> Total -> Days or Weeks or Months

You can have some plan in weeks, some in days. Select the periods columns you want to change, then click Edit -> Period Splitting -> Selective -> Days or Weeks or Months

You can have a block range periods columns value to be increased or decreased by a certain figure or percentage. Select the period columns and click Edit -> Distribute -> Fill in the Val. field and OP

After all the data is entered, you can then transferred it to Demand Management. Click Extra -> Transfer to Demand Management.

You'll get a message "values only tranferred if saved. Saved planning values first?". Click Yes.

Be aware that if you have maintained multiple versions, you should only transfer one version to demand management as each transferred version will overwrite the requirements of the older version.

Material :
Plant :
Version :

Transfer strategy and period
X - Production plan for material or PG members

From - Put the period from date or beginning of month
To - Leave it blank or put the date up to the confirm plan you want to transfer

Invisible transfer - If tick, it will display the planned independent requirements before saving it

Requirement Type - Depend on your planning strategy

Version - "00" is requirement list

Active - Tick or your MRP will not show the PIR. Inactive means that the quantities are for information only.

To transfer, click the Transfer Now button or Edit -> Transfer Now

A warning message "Planning version to be transferred is not an active version" will be issue by the system. Just hit Enter.

The Transfer Planning Data to Demand Management screen (MD74) will be shown. Do not change anything in this screen as it will not be changed in SOP.

Save your data and you have successfully create a plan in SOP.

Some other transaction code in SOP :-

MC78 - Copying Planning Version. This is done when you want to retain the previous version.

MC80 - Delete Planning Version. Do this when you want to delete unwanted planning versions. Tick the version you want to delete and click the Delete button. An authorized user should perform this.

Please don't delete A00 which is the SAP standard active version.

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